D.E.T. Testing

Duct and Envelope Tightness Testing (DET), or blower-doors and duct-blasting, is a benefit to homeowners and required for new-construction homes. A D.E.T. test pressurizes building envelopes and HVAC systems to ensure they were constructed air-tight, or within their targeted range. The Technician can verify how leaky a home is overall and pinpoint fixable areas of systems that raise energy costs and lower the conditioning /quality of air. If high bills, uncomfortable living-space or poor air-quality (infants, seniors, smokers, allergies, etc.) are concerns, call today for further information to see if a DET or other investigation can help save money and optimize your asset. Cost is based on location, number of systems/zones and time for troubleshooting problem-areas (typically between $150-$450).